We are a company specializing in Integrated Human Resources Management solutions whose mission is to improve employability, providing Temporary Work services, with internal resources from a global employment, Recruitment and Selection and Outsourcing Marketplace. Multitempo, founded in 1995, was acquired by Job&Talent in 2021, providing the company with a Multinational position.
We are certified by APCER (n.º 03/CEP.1924) in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 reference, within the scope of “Recruitment and Selection, Assignment and Management of Temporary Workers”.
We specialize in various sectors, such as Industry, Logistics, Handling, Services, Retail, Hospitality, Banking and Insurance, Public Administration, Agricultural.
We believe that People are the basis of a promising future. They are also the force that brings innovation and determination capable of making society prosper. It is in People that we place all our trust and dedicate ourselves to 100%.
Our main goal is to support candidates in achieving their professional goals, in accordance with their ambitions and best skills. We exist to facilitate this path between People and their careers and between companies and their talent needs.
The experience accumulated in Portugal through Multitempo, now integrated into Job&Talent, an experienced multinational, present in 11 countries, allows us to benefit from the use of best international management practices and digital and technological investment on a global scale. The personalized service it provides is driven by data and technology, placing People at the center of the process, simplifying and improving the entire job search experience and promoting an effective increase in employability rates.
Job&Talent is the largest employment platform in Europe and the first digital 100% Temporary Work company in the world. It has a very strong technological component, which has a transversal impact on business management.
It is present in Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, Mexico, Colombia, USA, Belgium, Norway and Portugal.
In Portugal, we are present in nine locations (Lisbon, Barreiro, Maia, Trofa, Palmela, São Teotónio, Ferreira do Alentejo, Campo Maior and Faro) and we have projects all over the continental territory and autonomous regions.