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How to apply employer branding in recruitment and selection?

What makes a worker want to work at your company? Employer branding in recruitment is the answer. Learn how to promote your workplace's reputation to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

Your employer branding strategy already exists – whether with your involvement or not. By actively participating in its construction, you are helping to transform your workplace into a place where everyone wants to work and no one wants to leave. 

At a time when 75% of candidates consider a company's reputation before applying, this strategy can make all the difference in your recruitment and selection process.

Discover how employer branding in recruitment can be a competitive advantage to capture candidates, reduce turnover and improve market reputation.

What is employer branding in recruitment?

employer branding it is the perception and reputation of your company among current employees and job seekers. 

Employer branding in recruitment is the set of strategies and tactics that you use to build and actively influence this reputation in the recruitment and selection process.

In other words, an effective employer branding strategy answers the question: “What makes your company the best place to work?”

Taking part in building your employer branding can include creating content that promotes your brand's culture, mission and values. The objective is to encourage employees to be the brand's first advocates, and to improve hiring processes.

Why is it important to use employer branding in recruitment and selection?

The success of any business depends on a good work team. Even if there is no shortage of customers, you need to ensure that you have the specialized skills and resources in-house to respond to demand. And that’s where employer branding comes into play in recruitment.

Employer branding helps to make recruitment and selection processes more efficient, while also serving as a magnet to attract top talent. 

As a consequence, these benefits can be observed through employer branding in well-done recruitment:

Cost efficiency: Reduces hiring costs by attracting more organic and high-quality applications, eliminating unnecessary expenses with the broad search for candidates.

Reduction in hiring time: Brands with a strong reputation receive faster responses to job offers, which allows faster hiring times.

Quality of hiring: Aligning the brand's positioning with the company's culture attracts more compatible candidates who, therefore, adapt better.

Retaining talent: When workers feel satisfied and are aligned with the company's mission and culture, they have more likely to stay in a job.

Improving brand reputation: Over time, a positive brand reputation leads not only to recognition from candidates, but also from partners and customers.

Positive candidate experience: Focusing on a transparent, consistent and fast recruitment process improves the candidate experience, whether they are hired or not.

Greater productivity: Employees recruited through a well-developed employer branding strategy tend to become more involved and be more productive and profitable.

Statistics that prove the impact of employer branding

There is no better way to show the true power of employer branding in recruitment than through real numbers:

  • Candidates' 76% they look specifically for what makes a company an attractive place to work;

  • Candidates' 50% they say they wouldn't work for a company with a bad reputation, even with a salary increase;

  • Candidates' 55% they withdraw their applications after reading negative reviews online;

  • Recruiters 80% believe that the employer brand is essential for hiring the best talent;

  • 43% is the less they spend companies that invest in employer branding compared to their competitors to hire new professionals.

6 steps to promote employer branding and attract talent

But then, what are the main actions that can be put into practice to elevate your employer branding in recruitment? 

After all, it's not just about keeping the best talent in the company. Human resources managers know that frequent employee turnover increases operational costs and generates a negative brand image. So, here are some tactics to apply:

1. Understand your current reputation

Start by making an internal diagnosis and
assess the level of employee satisfaction and the opinion of candidates who went through your recruitment and selection process. To do this, you can use these methods:

  • Ask your employees for their honest opinion through anonymous surveys;

  • Analyze the reviews that candidates leave in interviews, online platforms or in surveys at your company's request;

  • Explore the comments on your social networks to observe the general perception of the brand;

2. Promote your values and benefits

In other words, develop your
Employment Value Proposition (EVP). This is nothing more or less than the financial and non-financial offered in exchange for the knowledge, experience and effort of its employees. May include:

  • Attractive salary;

  • Career plans;

  • Environment of diversity and inclusion;

  • Commitment to balance between professional and personal life;

  • Flexible hours;

  • Training and development programs;

  • Corporate benefits.

Your EVP is the basis of your employer branding strategy in recruitment. Remember to show transparency and consistency in your message so as not to create false expectations. Your future employees should know what they can count on from the beginning.

3. Determine communication channels

Don't limit yourself to job platforms and websites for your
recruitment and selection strategy. Invest in digital marketing and maintain an active digital presence. 

Share stories about your company, work culture and success stories of your employees. The objective is not only to promote your employer branding, but also to increase the brand's visibility to potential candidates.

To do this, you can use the following communication channels and tactics:

  • Focus on social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X to share content;

  • Feed social networks with behind-the-scenes images and videos, celebration of important milestones, events and other stories;

  • create a corporate blog and encourage your employees to produce their own content;

  • Optimize the careers page by ensuring it reflects your organizational culture;

  • Share testimonials from its collaborators.

4. Identify the ideal candidate profile

Ensure a perfect match between your company and the candidate you are looking for. Before focusing your efforts on attracting more talent, determine the technical, demographic, cultural and behavioral profile. 

What experience should the ideal candidate have? What mandatory qualifications, skills and technical knowledge are essential for the position in question? Defining an approximate profile also helps to create optimized and relevant job ads

5. Keep your candidates happy

Candidates for your jobs can also help promote your employer brand. Simply sharing positive information about your experience, even if you haven't been hired, can influence the perception of other potential candidates.

For this reason, it is important to pay attention to how candidates feel throughout the recruitment and selection process and ensure their satisfaction. As? Through a transparent and consistent communication and constant feedback

6. Bet on onboarding

First impressions count a lot. A well-structured onboarding process not only helps new employees adapt quickly, it also solidifies your brand image from day one. 

Make sure they understand their responsibilities and roles through presentations, guides and videos. Use accessible materials, whether digital or printed, and ensure they are up to date.

Where to find qualified candidates

Looking for talent in tourism and hospitality? Don't know where to contact potential candidates and publicize your opportunities?

Employability Scholarship Platform It can be a great starting point to get to know candidates who are currently looking for a job in tourism.

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