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Recruitment and selection: How to search for candidates online?

Discover how to reduce costs, time and bureaucracy in your recruitment and selection process with the Employability Exchange Platform! Discover 5 tips for looking for talent online.

Online recruitment is no longer a possibility but has become the first option for many companies. Compared to traditional methods, it guarantees greater convenience and speed in the recruitment and selection process.

Do you know that 80% of job openings are searched online, according to a 2022 study by Zippia? 

Candidates and companies are unanimous about taking advantage of the Internet and all new technologies to speed up and optimize the recruitment and selection process.

And your business? Are you considering recruiting remotely? Find out what you have to gain from online recruitment and how you can apply it easily.

Why recruit talent online?

In the online recruitment and selection process, all stages take place remotely: the vacancy announcement, contact with the candidate, tests and the first interviews.

One of the biggest benefits of online recruiting is the greater reach of candidates. Without the restriction of geographical barriers, it is possible to access candidates with a wide variety of experience, training and perspectives.

Not to mention that a remote recruitment and selection process can save time and costs in the following aspects:

  • Announcement and publicity of vacancies;
  • Search for the best candidates through search filters;
  • Automatic screening of CVs and profiles;
  • Constant updating of the database, with greater ease and security of access;
  • Direct communication with candidates via chat or other digital means;
  • Opportunity to interview a greater number of candidates without wasting resources.

5 tips to optimize the online recruitment and selection process

But, after all, how does online recruitment work and how can you implement it in order to maximize all the benefits mentioned above?

It all starts with access to digital recruitment and selection platforms, such as Bolsa de Empregabilidade, to automate and centralize the selection process and have access to an expanded and filtered candidate base.

Discover 5 strategies to put online recruitment into practice in your business and attract the best talent!

1. Create clear and compelling job descriptions

Identify the ideal candidate profile for the position and prepare an advertisement that includes the requirements, skills, experience and responsibilities necessary for the position. Use engaging, clear and concise language, and don't forget to describe the benefits of the position, to attract candidates' attention.

2. Choose specialized platforms

Decide which recruitment and selection platforms are most effective in reaching the candidates you want. Take into account your area of activity and evaluate resources, such as database access and filtering, profile customization and contact with candidates.

3. Automate candidate screening

As CVs and applications are received, use recruitment and selection software to automate the initial screening of candidates through scheduled analysis of CVs and specific keywords. 


4. Conduct video interviews

Evaluate a greater number of candidates through video conference interviews. In addition to facilitating the compatibility of schedules, they allow you to assess communication skills, motivation and suitability for the position. 


5. Provide a positive candidate experience

Also don’t forget to keep candidates involved throughout the process. Communicate with them clearly and frequently, provide feedback and updates, and build a trusting relationship, investing in your employer branding


How to take advantage of the Employment Grant? 5 essential steps

Do you want to speed up your recruitment and selection process and ensure you are making the most of the tools at your disposal to reach candidates?

Find out how to leverage the use of the Employment Exchange Platform to form a dream team!


1. Customize your business profile

By including all your company information (name, logo, company description, values and mission) you make yourself known to candidates.

You can also add images or videos to your profile to showcase your company's culture and environment. Keep all this information and content up to date.

To edit your profile, access the company's personal panel and go to “Company Management”. The first step is “Add Company”, so you must fill in the necessary fields and customize in the most appropriate way.

2. Complete all fields in the job advertisement

Don't let candidates have any doubts about the needs, requirements, job information and responsibilities of the position.

Explain the length of experience required, the minimum qualifications, the work model, the description with the objectives, functions and benefits of the position, and other details that candidates may want to know.

To publish a vacancy, access the company's personal panel and go to “Publish Ad”. Fill in the required and optional fields you want, then click “Next”, review and publish the ad. You can publish as many ads as you want.


3. Evaluate your applications

Use the platform's tools to organize and evaluate applications efficiently.

On the Employment Exchange Platform, you can access candidate histories for your vacancies, view their CV and evaluate each one.

You can manage applications in the company panel on the left, through the “Manage Applications” option, where you have access to the candidates’ profile. 

Using the “Edit” button, there is also the option to update the application status. In addition, it is possible to add notes for the candidate, using the “Notes” button and evaluate each candidate from 1 to 5.


4. Know how to research candidates

Do you have a certain candidate profile in mind? You can use the platform's advanced filters and perform an advanced search according to skills, experience, location and other criteria.

Access the company's personal panel and go to “Search Candidates”. On the new page, you can search by position, professional area or perform an advanced search. 

In addition, you can also see the complete list of candidates registered on the platform so far.


5. Interact with candidates

Keep candidates updated about the recruitment and selection process by sending messages. Use this method to inform them if you have progressed to the next stage or if you have decided not to proceed with your application.

Try to personalize your messages and use positive language. You can also ask for feedback on the recruitment process to improve it.

When accessing a candidate's profile, you can send a message using the “Send Message” button. Access the company's personal panel and click on “Messages”. Here is where you will be able to access your message history with each candidate.


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By joining our platform, you guarantee a solution for unexpected hiring throughout the year and reduce costs and excessive bureaucracy.

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