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How to use technology in recruitment to attract talent?

How to simplify the online recruitment process and capture suitable candidates? Discover 7 trends in recruitment technology and learn how to apply them to ensure a competitive advantage.

The evolution of technology in recruitment has reshaped the way companies find, evaluate and hire talent. From screening resumes to using artificial intelligence to analyze profiles, there are several tools available.

There are more and more recruiters and human resources professionals who do not hesitate to take advantage of innovation in recruitment technology to eliminate piles of resumes, automate tasks and minimize errors.

In fact, it is estimated that 7 in 10 companies already use artificial intelligence in recruitment or plan to use in the next three years, according to a recent study.

Investing in recruitment technology is already a reality for many companies and seems to be the natural step to reduce costs, time and uncertainty. Find out how!

What are the benefits of technology in recruitment?

The use of technology in recruitment allows you to automate and accelerate routine tasks, such as screening CVs and analyzing profiles, scheduling interviews, applying tests and interviews, and managing communication with candidates.

For example, if it used to be necessary to spend weeks reading CVs to select the best ones, today there are tools that do this in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, technology can also help to create a more accurate and accurate advertisement. 

In this way, technology in recruitment brings the following results:

  • A acceleration of the recruitment process It is greater accuracy in mapping the right candidate;

  • A cost reduction, since the recruitment process ends up taking less time;

  • A objective, less biased and error-free analysis by recruiters.

7 technologies that are revolutionizing recruitment

But, after all, what recruitment technology solutions are available to optimize tasks, results and candidate experiences? Discover 7 trends that can make all the difference in your online recruitment process:

1. ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

The ATS is a specialized recruitment and selection system that can track and cross-reference candidate data. It aims
identify profiles that fit the vacancy and do a first filtering. 

Some ATS offer complementary features in order to centralize all stages of the online recruitment process. These can include creating and publishing ads, candidate management, smart screening, application reporting and data collection.

2. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is revolutionizing recruitment. Through intelligent algorithms in machine learning it is possible
analyze large volumes of data to identify patterns and predict outcomes.

AI simulates human intelligence to perform complex tasks. It can, for example, be used in virtual interviews to analyze facial expressions and body language. 

Therefore, these tools help evaluate candidates impartially and accurately and optimize decision making.

3. Big data

This technology in recruitment involves the
collection and storage of a large volume of data. Big Data can be used to analyze data and gain insights into candidates, market trends and the recruitment process itself.

For example, this system can evaluate the retention rate and turnover of successful candidates in recent years. If it is lower than expected, it can provide useful feedback on the need to improve the recruitment process.

Therefore, the interpretation of these data helps to identifying problems and making safer decisions when choosing a professional to be part of the team.

4. Chatbot

Recruitment chatbots are artificial intelligence programs that
simulate conversations with candidates and answer their questions. They can be integrated into company websites or messaging and social media platforms.

This technology tool in recruitment has the potential to improve the candidate experience and make the job of recruiters easier. 

Not only because they answer all questions about the position, company and application status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but they can also give feedback to a large number of candidates.

5. Virtual interviews

Conducting virtual interviews is increasingly common in the world of work. Recruiters turn to platforms like Skype, Zoom or Google Meets to conduct online video interviews with
candidates located anywhere in the world.

Virtual interviews also allow you to record images so that they can be analyzed later. Furthermore, it eliminates costs and problems with physical travel, time reconciliation, schedule delays and space preparation.

6. Online tests and gamification

Tools are available that allow candidates to submit
online tests to assess technical skills and abilities

Tests can focus on areas such as logical reasoning, interpersonal relationships, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, communication, organization, among others.

It is also possible that these tools evaluate the results and indicate which candidates should go to the next stage of online recruitment.

7. Job platforms

Job platforms have become an indispensable way of recruiting technology for recruiters and candidates to connect online. 

Through these platforms, companies can Promote your opportunities to a wider audience It is reach a more qualified audience that would otherwise go unnoticed.

This is the case of Employment Exchange Platform, which gives access to a bank of specialized talent, where you can carry out a filtered search for the best candidates and monitor the entire application through various tools.

How to implement new technology solutions in recruitment?

Discover how to put all the previously mentioned benefits into practice. See 5 ways to implement new technological solutions in your online recruitment process!

  1. Create job ads that attract the desired candidates in Online Recruitment Platforms

  2. Automate resume screening with specialized software;

  3. Identify gaps in applications with regards to qualifications, experience or history with analysis tools. In this way, it prevents candidates who do not correspond to the vacancy from proceeding to the following stages;

  4. Create online tests behavioral profile;

  5. Make safe decisions based on data collected from interviews and tests.

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