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Imagem de currículo a ser entregue para as mãos de um recrutador. A imagem representa como as estratégias abordadas neste artigo podem ajudar a atrair profissionais do turismo para o seu negócio.

How to attract tourism professionals and reverse the labor shortage in the sector

We present 5 strategies to attract tourism professionals, retain talent and overcome the human resources crisis in the sector.

There is no denying the crisis that the Tourism sector is facing in terms of labor shortages. It represents a brake on the development of the sector and presents human resources representatives with a long-term challenge. One study by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), from the United Kingdom, provides the need for 85 thousand workers by the end of the year, which is equivalent to one in every six vacancies to be filled.

The challenge extends to the rest of Europe and other parts of the world. At a time when Tourism is growing visibly, surpassing pre-pandemic values, it is difficult to meet demand and invest in the quality and diversity of services. Job offers have already increased, but, on the other hand, there has been a contraction in demand rates.

With many finding the sector unattractive to work in and a significant part having emigrated to other sectors, It is essential to adopt solutions that help Human Resources attract new candidates and win back professionals in the sector.

In this sense, we address some strategies to attract tourism professionals.

5 solutions to attract tourism professionals

1. Possibility of building a career

Go beyond seasonal job offers, allowing combinations of summer and winter jobs, which last all year round, is an added value for the employee. In addition to enriching the experience and knowledge of professionals, they are based on two highly valued principles: stability and career progression.

In this line of thought, creating structured career plans, with achievable goals, periodic assessments and career awards is another step that organizations must take if they want to solidify a long-term vision for their employees and attract tourism professionals.

2. Create an attractive job offer

Job offers are the first contact between workers and companies, and make a difference in attracting qualified candidates for the position to be hired. Aposting in a good job advert – youthful, simple and relevant – will attract the right attention, including workers who are not actively looking for a job.

Advertisements that, in addition to the functions to be performed, identify the company's projects and culture, as well as indicate the salary range and transparently address working conditions, are the gateway to attracting tourism professionals.

To offer better salary and hour conditions, seek to understand the needs of candidates and speak their language, is essential to captivate and attract tourism professionals, as well as to motivate your teams in the long term.

3. Invest in initial training and multidisciplinary teams

The lack of qualified labor has forced the channeling of professionals without experience, and this implies initial training. But hiring new talent doesn't have to be seen as an unprofitable investment. In the end, professionals without experience are more adaptable to the organization and have great learning potential. Furthermore, initial training in a company represents a greater commitment between employee and employer.

Empower multipurpose professionals, capable of performing different functions, is another effective strategy to attract tourism professionals. It allows them not only to solve the seasonality of the sector, but also to mobilize internal resources in case of shortages.

4. Reply the organization’s professionals

The current paradigm invites us to rethink old practices and consider new approaches. Refresh old contacts and reincorporating into the organization professionals who were once part of the staff could be a solution to face the recruitment crisis. It also has the advantages of reuniting old colleagues and saving time, with the hiring of human resources already familiar with the company's culture and practices.

5. Change the sector’s image through a seductive speech

Professionals are unreceptive to creating a career in Tourism. Contributing to this image is contractual instability, the excessive workload, rotating time off and not always assigned (as a result of excess work and lack of labor), and not infrequently, the existence of managers who are not very understanding of the workers' needs.

There is an urgent need to change this image. As? The solution involves winning over candidates, seeing them from the customer's perspective and using an attractive speech that appeals to reason and the heart.. To achieve this, it is necessary to apply more marketing to Human Resources and boost Employer Branding.

Investing in a creative but effective speech that talks about salary and working conditions, professional experience and life that the sector offers, especially progression opportunities, is the challenge to attract tourism professionals.

Therefore, it is always worth remembering what candidates are looking for: a motivating emotional salary, training and progression opportunities, and a schedule that allows them to balance their professional and personal lives.

Find the right place to fish for candidates

Are you looking for the ideal candidate to join your team? Have you tried several recruitment methods but still haven’t been able to find “the one” candidate?

Discover the recruitment solutions that Bolsa de Empregabilidade offers to companies in the Tourism and Hospitality sector. Since Job Fairs that allow face-to-face contact with potential candidates, at a Online Recruitment Platform With thousands of applicants, all of these forms of hiring take into account your specific needs.

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