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Do you want to work in Tourism and Hotel/Hospitality?

Explore all the opportunities we have online or visit our networking events and find your job opportunity.
Your career in Portugal begins with Bolsa de Empregabilidade.

Your next opportunity could be here:

Job Fairs
At these events, hundreds of Tourism and Hospitality companies recruit and look for potential candidates. Speak directly to the HR representatives of these companies, submit your CV and ask any questions you may have.
Recruitment Platform
Throughout the year, you can also find online opportunities focused on the Tourism and Hospitality area. Job offers are updated every day on our platform, from curricular and professional internships to full-time and part-time contracts. Explore the option that best suits your needs.

Want to meet directly with recruiters?

You no longer need to update your email page minute by minute. No more waiting for the “yes” that takes a long time to arrive. By participating in our Job Fairs you will have the opportunity to stand out among thousands of candidates who applied for the same vacancy and show, in real time, your skills, qualities and personality. 

The Bolsa de Empregabilidade organizes these job fairs annually with the aim of bringing together candidates and tourism companies.

Find opportunities in these areas:

Looking for a job now?

Tired of spending hours browsing websites while looking for a job in the Tourism sector? On the recruitment platform at the Bolsa de Empregabilidade you will find exclusive opportunities in this area more easily and quickly.

An easier way to manage your applications



Feb 2025


13 February 2025


March 14, 2025


March 26, 2025


Apr 2025
Be notified about these initiatives, including the 2025 fairs, by filling out the form below.