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We help tourism and hospitality companies hire

Start the recruitment process face-to-face

Avoid an email box full of homogeneous CVs and identify a promising candidate before the first interview.

Reduce the time spent searching for the ideal candidate

Our platform, optimized for the recruiter's experience, allows you to search for candidates using filters, send direct messages to candidates and have a standard analysis of CVs.

Advertise your vacancies throughout the year

Get an immediate solution for an unexpected recruiting need. Take advantage of online and offline hiring tools throughout the year that ensure you never lack human resources.

Interested in advertising your company's opportunities on the Employment Exchange?

Get access to exclusive networking events

One recruiter’s pains are another’s pains. Connect with hundreds of industry professionals and exchange ideas about the practices that are reinvigorating the recruitment field today. All during relaxed networking moments.

Opinion articles & tips

Here we navigate the complexities of working in the field of people management and share with you knowledge, articles and statistics that facilitate the process.

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