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Imagem de vários membros de uma equipa a reunirem-se no escritório. A imagem representa como o networking empresarial pode levar à captação de mais oportunidades, ideias e parcerias para as organizações.

Business Networking: 7 tips for creating valuable connections

Still don't know how to take advantage of business networking? Does this expression raise questions for you? Discover how to use your network of contacts to find new solutions and make your business prosper.

Still don't know how to take advantage of business networking? Does this expression raise questions for you? Discover how to use your network of contacts to find new solutions and make your business prosper.

Do you know someone who was part of an innovative professional project, discovered a tax benefit, formed a partnership, or had access to some type of opportunity through a connection? This has a name, and it is not “coincidence”, but rather networking.

Business networking is today an essential strategy for many organizations. It allows you not only to connect the right people to your business, develop a good relationship with customers, suppliers and partners, but also to attract all types of opportunities.

Until recently, many businesses depended on pre-established contacts to maintain partnerships and form new agreements. However, currently, several companies are adopting networking as a competitive and growth strategy.

If done well, business networking can open the doors to many opportunities, access new markets, obtain qualified leads and commercial partnerships.

What is Business Networking

Networking is an English term that can be translated as “contact network” or “business network”. In practice, it is the potential expand and strengthen your connections and relationships to obtain benefits.

The objective of business networking is to build a support system, whether with customers, suppliers or partners, where you can find opportunities for your business.

Practicing business networking can be as simple as exchanging an interesting idea during a meeting, handing out your business card during a conference, or sending a follow-up message to a partner or client.

To create meaningful and successful connections, it is important to invest time and energy in networking activities and events. Also focus on adding value to your contacts, as a way of strengthening ties – remember that a good relationship implies reciprocity.

What is the importance of Business Networking

Why do business networking? Because networking allows you to find new customers, improve relationships with business partners, generate more business opportunities – all of this in a way that is not possible with a digital marketing strategy alone.

Some of the benefits to be reaped by companies when practicing business networking include:

  • Deepen relationships with customers;
  • Improve brand recognition;
  • Increase business visibility;
  • Generate business opportunities and partnerships;
  • Assist in carrying out market analysis and provide updated information about the niche in which it operates;
  • Increase productivity through the exchange of ideas and best practices;
  • Make sales.

Want to know how to make the most of business networking? We share 7 strategies to apply in order to boost your business, have greater reach, access privileged information and win new partners and customers.

7 Business Networking Strategies to boost your business

1. Don't wait to need help

A common mistake among professionals is to only turn to networking when they need help. Before the need arises, invest in relevant contacts. Avoid just using your contacts to ask for favors.

2. Define the target audience

Making a list of the people you want to meet and the ways you can reach them (for example, through social media) is one of the first steps towards business networking.

There is no need to worry immediately about the number of contacts. More than quantity, what matters is quality in the networking process.

3. Focus on people’s language and needs

Language is an important tool for making a good impression. Positive body language, as well as a careful tone of voice and vocabulary, convey the image of cordiality, kindness and politeness, qualities valued by others.

In addition to verbal and body language, you should also pay attention to past speech. Clear, direct, easy-to-understand content, and which also add knowledge, have better results among the public.

4. Listen to what others have to say

Have the humility to admit that you don't know everything, be willing to learn and listen carefully to others, without imposing your opinion, it is a highly appreciated attitude and one that creates better connections.

Business networking is precisely that: knowing how to listen, opening up so that others want to communicate with us, especially if the objective is learn from the experiences of market colleagues and incorporate business solutions.

5. Invest in long-term relationships

Relationships tend to become more beneficial over time. As they mature, the necessary trust and affinity emerge to begin exchanging knowledge, insights and practical solutions.

Therefore, it is more important invest in lasting relationships than seeking immediate gratification from your connections.

6. Maintain regular communication

We've already said here that knowing a lot of people is not enough. It is necessary to win them over and gain their trust, it is necessary to cultivate relationships through frequent contact, information sharing, conversations and meetings.

Remember to frequently update your contacts, whether through messages or through social media. When you have an opportunity that might interest someone in your network, don't forget to share it – this way you won't be forgotten.

7. Participate in events 

Have you ever heard the phrase: “He who is not seen, is not remembered?” So that they know your business, and above all so that they care about you, it is important to be present at meetings and events relevant to your sector.

Participate in fairs, congresses, lectures, presentations and other events in your area. Take the opportunity to connect with other professionals and see your presence as an opportunity to increase the visibility of your business.

How to network at the Employment Exchange Fairs

Would you like to be part of one of the biggest tourism hubs in Portugal? Want to connect with new professionals, share knowledge and access insider information, whilst promoting your brand and meeting current industry candidates?

To the Employment Exchange Fairs They were created with all these possibilities in mind. In addition to being able to promote your brand on your own, personalized stand, you can also connect with the tourism community and attend lectures.

Be part of the next Employment Exchange fairs, located from North to South of the country. Discover more networking events that we organize throughout the year.